The goals of the IGH

The mission

IGH (Interessengemeinschaft Datenverbund) defines and adapts standards for data exchange between its members, their customers and suppliers. The coordination of technology and know-how of the participants form the basis of standardisation. This is done on the basis of product catalogues as well as defined data formats for the processing procedures from the enquiry to the offer and order to the invoice and credit note.

Architect / Planner / Installer

The customers of IGH members receive standardised basic data and work tools that enable automated processing. The working tools of IGH are implemented directly in the processing programmes of the customers, so that the familiar programme environment is maintained.

IGH coordinates and supports the accredited SW providers in the industry in integrating the IGH standards.

This makes it possible for users to access existing information from previous processes in every processing phase. Enquiries, orders, but also quotations and order confirmations are exchanged electronically between the business partners and transferred to the processing application. Tedious, time-consuming and erroneous transcription is no longer necessary.


Manufacturer / Trade

The members of the IGH (member list) make their product data available and have the catalogues published by the IGH. They also use the IGH processes among themselves.

They only have to ensure the connection to the internal company processing. The external connection is ensured by IGH or by the software providers.

Software partner

The software providers in the building technology sector implement the IGH standards for their customers. IGH supports the software houses with documentation, training, tests and its own software components. You can find out who our software partners are and which IGH products they have integrated here.

Continuity / Compatibility

IGH ensures that all enhancements are compatible with existing processing procedures. This avoids the need for a changeover. Each customer decides at what point he wants to benefit from the improvements offered.